Family Matters Wiki

Bruce Lee Urkel is an alter-ego created by Steve via a celebrity sample potion called Bruce Juice in Season 6's The Substitute Son. He was portrayed by Jaleel White.

"Boards don't fight back" ~ Bruce Lee Urkel

Character Background[]

When Laura tried to convince him to use Stefan, Urkel refuses. He tells her that he won't be enough to protect her from the thugs who harassed her at a longshoreman's bar and used the transformation chamber to become Bruce Lee Urkel. After a lengthy fight, he emerged victorious against the thugs over there.

He makes his second appearance in Random Acts Of Science, when Steve teamed up with Carl to defeat a notorious gang known as the Serpents who raids police storages left unprotected. Tricking the gang into letting them use the transformation chamber, both Carl and Steve emerge as both Bruce Lee Urkel and Bruce Lee Winslow. They subsequently defeat The Serpents and knock them unconscious long enough for the police to arrive and arrest them.

Bruce Lee Urkel makes his final appearance in Karate Kids, after Urkel learns that the Piranhas have threatened both Richie and 3J, he plots for payback. Using his transformation chamber, they become their Bruce Lee counterparts to defeat the Piranhas and take back the park for the public. The character was written out of the show after this episode.

Episode appearance[]

Season 6[]

Season 7[]

Season 8[]


  • Jaleel White admits out of all the celebrity personas Steve had to do after using his transformation chamber, he loved playing Steve dressed up as the late legendary martial arts legend, Bruce Lee, known for many films such as Enter The Dragon, Fists Of Fury, The Way Of The Dragon, Game Of Death (which he never completed due to his death caused by cerebral edema and an allergic reaction to medicines), etc. He is also the father of late actor Brandon Lee. Jaleel White and Bruce Lee share a birthday together.

